Название: Международная научно-практическая конференция «Российские немцы: от истоков к современности»

Автор: Борисенко Алиса Юльевна1, Худяков Юлий Сергеевич1,2 

Организация: 1 Новосибирский государственный университет, ул. Пирогова, 2, Новосибирск, 630090, Россия
2 Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН, пр. Акад. Лаврентьева, 17, Новосибирск, 630090, Россия

Рубрика: Научная информация

Ссылка на статью: Борисенко А. Ю., Худяков Ю. С.  Международная научно-практическая конференция «Российские немцы: от истоков к современности» // Вестн. Новосиб. гос. ун-та. Серия: История, филология. 2014. Т. 13, № 3: Археология и этнография. С. 308–310.

Аннотация: This article provides information on the International conference “Russian Germans: from the beginnings to the present” (Barnaul, November 10-11, 2012). The organizers of this event are the Altai region administration and the International Union of German culture in the framework of the German Government in favor of the German minority in the Russian Federation. Presentations were made on various aspects of the study of the contribution of the German ethnic group in the de velopment of science and culture of Russia, as well as its political and social history. Welcoming remarks to the participants of the conference were deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Altai region, acting director of the “Altai region of the Russian-German House” and Chairman of the Organizing Committee. The conference began with a small music concert, performance Ave Maria, the German national song and dance ensemble “Lorelyay”. The conference was attended by scientists from different cities - Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Ust’-Kamenogorsk, Berlin, Kostanay, Moscow. The conference was an important event in the study of the history of science in Siberia, including the study of ancient and traditional cultures of the German scientists XVIII-XIX centuries. In a series of reports were given valuable scientific data on the participation of administrators, military and mining experts in the development of the Russian Altai, Kazakhstan and Siberia.

Ключевые слова: Siberia, Germans, history, archaeology, international conference